Saturday, during lunch time and our funny Kelvin Lo aka motomoto came out with a lecture of "tissue theory". Handful of us joined the lecture as we are curious about the theory also! Well, it's meant for guys to win after a girl's heart. There are 3 principles in the theory. Here goes...
Principle 1.
First impression. Guys must give a very best first impression for the girls as according to him. For an instance, the guy hold an umbrella for the girl under the rain while sending her back. Giving rose for the girl is also not a bad example though some of the girls don't like roses.
Principle 2.
Prepare your weapon. It's not the weapon for "war". Fyi, "War" means a couple's fight. Weapon here means anything that can provide pleasure for her. Example, while the girl is eating curry crab, eventually her fingers will be dirtied with all the curry sauces. The weapon for this case is tissue papers for her to wipe off the stain on her fingers. For raining case, umbrella is your so-called weapon!
Principle 3.
Timing. It's the most crucial part to determine your 'success' even you are well equipped with the first two principles. Let's take back the curry crab story. When you provide the tissue, you don't provide before she is eating the crab but it's after she dirtied her fingers. Same goes to the umbrella example, you don't offer the umbrella before it rains but when rains. Get the point?
That's the end of the lecture.
thoughts : are we suppose to apply such principles whenever we, the guys, are chasing after the girls? Is there any necessarity to be so kind to girls? Yes and no. It depends who is the girl, some noxious gals are a big no no cause it's not worth it, but for rather happy to treat those who are nice and friendly. Some said girls are like waves, there are high and low moment for them and they are expecting guys to understand and please them. When the guys didn't try to understand them, they are saying guys are insensitive towards them. Last words, do you guys agree with "men are from mars, women are from Venus"?
2 thought(s), also!:
waa so lang man lang man ur thinking.
haha... if only wooing a gal is as easy as the 3 principles... trust me, sincerity is the first thing to equipped with! =p
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